Friday, April 18, 2008

California EDGE Campaign: Van Jones

Presentation on “green-collar jobs” by Van Jones, Founder and President of Green for All, at the California EDGE Campaign’s “California Making Good on Green” salon, held April 16, 2008, in Sacramento, California. Fresh from his appearances on “The Colbert Report” and the New York Times, Van inspires an audience of state policymakers to make sure that the coming green economy is inclusive of low-income and minority Californians and that state policy is geared toward using green jobs to lift people out of poverty. Find more information about the salon, including the presentation file, at

California EDGE Campaign: Doug Henton

Presentation on “green-collar jobs” by Doug Henton, President of Collaborative Economics, at the California EDGE Campaign’s “California Making Good on Green” salon, held April 16, 2008, in Sacramento, California. Doug provides advance information about the state Economic Strategy Panel’s study of the current green economy in California – the first solid data about how many firms and how many workers already make up this growing sector. Find more information about the salon, including the presentation file, at